Dr. Alan Ross’s Dental Resources

My Story

My Story

I am a practicing dentist with over 40 years of experience. For 29 years I practiced in a very conventional way with over a dozen employees, multiple treatment rooms where I would stack and juggle patients, accepting every insurance in existence. I supervised two...

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The Time Slot

The Time Slot

I believe that most dentists became doctors to help. Dental Medical School is an expensive, amazing whirlwind experience. So much to learn and the target keeps moving in that technology keeps changing. Much of what I was taught in 1977-1981 is no longer accurate,...

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Why This Publication?

Why This Publication?

It was my brother-in-law, whose dental challenges only recently became known to me. His keen intelligence and philosophical nature turned his innocent personal dental questions into this thought-provoking manuscript. Dr. Alan Ross, Keene Family Dental, 67 Mechanic...

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Dental Advice For My Brother-In-Law

Dental Advice For My Brother-In-Law

Modern dentistry can be an amazing resource for maintaining, repairing or improving our dental health. As we are living longer our teeth and gums require more care and attention. Just 200 years ago, dental infection was the #2 cause of morbidity and death in the...

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Why A Legal Disclaimer?

Why A Legal Disclaimer?

We live in very political and divided times. While Sweden has totally outlawed the use of amalgam fillings, a dentist in the USA can lose their license if they advocate replacing your mercury-containing fillings with ceramic or resin fillings for the potential of...

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You Cannot Choose Your Parents!

You Cannot Choose Your Parents!

Why some people can get by with minimal homecare-brushing/flossing and not have major problems, while others dutifully brush and floss but still have cavities and gum problems. I inherited my lack of hairline (bald is beautiful) and we all get tendencies towards...

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Would You Buy A House With A Bad Foundation?

Would You Buy A House With A Bad Foundation?

There are many confusing terms for when the FOUNDATION of your teeth is not healthy or strong. It's all about the foundation, but it's called gum disease, periodontitis, pyorrhea, ANUG, gingivitis, trench mouth and more. If you have a fence post or mailbox post in the...

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Star Wars Dentistry

Star Wars Dentistry

The recent headline and most exciting news for keeping your teeth is “Star Wars Dentistry”. There are many types of Lasers. Some of us think of a LASER as a pointer or a weapon in a James Bond movie. Imagine a specific spectrum of Laser that targets and reduces the...

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Too Much Advertising

Too Much Advertising

Our media is continually full of promotions for toothpaste, mouth rinses, denture adhesives products and more. I think it's great that we have a vast choice of products. Don’t be lead to believe that purchasing the right product(s) will solve or cure your situation or...

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Toothpastes containing Baking soda, Charcoal or artificial sweeteners all get my thumbs down. Baking Soda may have been used by our ancestors before the availability of commercial toothpastes but it has too much Sodium (Sodium Bicarbonate) and is too abrasive....

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Restoring Teeth

Restoring Teeth

The term “cavity” is used to refer to a defect in your tooth that might be from decay or rot that is caused by a breakdown of the tooth structure from bacteria and/or acid, trauma, or excessive wear. It’s not really a scientific term, but it's adequate to communicate...

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Silver Fillings vs. White Fillings

Silver Fillings vs. White Fillings

Silver fillings are called Amalgams. Nobody pours melted silver into your tooth, rather the silver is ground into a fine powder and mixed with Mercury a liquid metal. This concoction when violently mixed and turns from a liquid/putty into a solid in minutes. These...

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Fluoride is a mineral that is very controversial in dentistry. Years ago, it was observed that communities with naturally high amounts of fluoride in the water supply had a lower incidence of dental cavities. It has been proven that this mineral can reduce dental...

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Missing Teeth – Implants

Missing Teeth – Implants

While I was in dental school I helped one of my professors with his research project to see the tissue response in animals from implanting different materials. At that time, the idea of implanting something in the gum to replace a tooth root was science fiction....

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Bad Habits

Bad Habits

Nobody is perfect. If you choose to smoke, drink carbonated beverages, suck on limes or lemons, drink high-sugar fluids, eat a diet of excess sugar and candy, chew gum, chew tobacco, pierce your tongue or lips and wear jewelry in these areas, and more... there are...

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TMD – Temporomandibular Disorder

TMD – Temporomandibular Disorder

The TMJ (temporomandibular joints) or jaw joints are unique structures. Unlike your knee, hip or elbow this pair of joints will translate or slide back and forth in addition to rotation. Additionally, the chewing surfaces of the teeth and the position of the teeth...

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Hopeless Teeth (It’s Never Hopeless)

Hopeless Teeth (It’s Never Hopeless)

Even with the incredible dental/medical technology, there are circumstances where a tooth should be removed. If a tooth is possibly “seeding” infection into your body get it fixed or out immediately. Tooth infection was a leading cause of death a few centuries ago....

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Questions To Ask?

Questions To Ask?

What are my other choices? How long will it last? What can I do to help the situation myself? What was the cause of my problem(s) and how can I prevent re-occurrences? What are the risks of postponing treatment? Can portions of the treatment be staged or prioritized?...

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